Far cry 2 pc intro not working
Far cry 2 pc intro not working

The story itself is pretty good and the environment is wonderful but everything else is horrible, horrible done. This is probably the most repetitive and flawed FPS I've every played. Go play Crysis, the true sequel to Far Cry, and leave this third rate third world game well alone. Far Cry 2 is the most beautiful, repetitive, and mind-numbingly tedious game I have ever played. Tetris has what some may not even call graphics and is repetitive yet challenging and extremely fun to play. This is a disgraceful sequel to a worthy first person shooter. I laughed at the utterly pathetic plight of my avatar. Not a corpse, nor blood stain in sight (Realism, anyone?)! This was my experience when I drove to a mission, when I drove away from a mission, and when I just wanted to drive around looking at the scenery. For example, I laughed hard when I annihilated one of the infinite-random-henchman-emplacements drove around the next corner and thought, "I wonder how long 'til the henchmen return?" So I turned around and went back only to find the infinite-random-henchman-emplacement teaming with life again.

far cry 2 pc intro not working

After I played this extremely beautiful game for about 15 hours (I tried so hard to like it), I was very disappointed and felt frustrated that the majority of my actions in the world made little or no difference. It's big, beautiful world let you approach the varied missions using a variety of tactics making it challenging and giving a sense of achievement. The first iteration of Far Cry was, while not necessarily perfect, a solid first person shooter. After I played this extremely beautiful game for about 15 hours (I tried so hard to like it), I was very disappointed WARNING: Tedium ahead.

Far cry 2 pc intro not working